Carbonear Island

HSMBC Plaque Location

Carboonear, Newfoundland



Date Designated: 1954

Plaque Status: Plaqued 1n 1981

Reason for Designation

Defence of English settlements against French attacks in 1697 and 1705

Other Info


Contact Info:


Carbonear Island Info

2 Burnt Head Road

Carbonear, NL A1Y 1B1

Tel: 709- 596-4949

Fax: 709- 596-2857


GPS coordinates: 47 degrees 44'23.51" N, 53 degrees 12'47.21" W





 Plaque Text


Carbonear Island


During the winter of 1697, after French raiders had laid waste most of the English settlements in Newfoundland, the residents of Carbonear and surrounding communities entrenched themselves on Carbonear Island. From here they repelled repeated attempts to take the island and for a brief time were virtually the only holdout against French domination of Newfoundland. Carbonear Island was successfully defended again in 1705 by local inhabitants led by William Pynne of Carbonear against a French force from Placentia which had pillaged the coastal fisheries.


Pendant l'hiver de 1697, après que les Français eurent dévasté la plupart des colonies anglaises à Terre-Neuve, les habitants de Carbonear et ses environs se retranchèrent sur l'île de Carbonear. D'ici, ils repoussèrent quelques tentatives pour prendre l'île et pendant un certain temps ils constituèrent la seule résistance anglaise à Terre-Neuve. En 1705, les habitants de Carbonear, sous la direction de William Pynne, défendirent encore avec succès l'île Carbonear contre une force française de Plaisance, qui avait détruit les pêcheries côtières.


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