Christ Church/Quidi Vidi Church

HSMBC Plaque Location:


Quidi Vidi, St. John's, Newfoundland






Date Designated:  1966



Plaque Status:  Plaqued 1976


Reason for Designation:

Early 19th-century outport village church, 1842


Other Info:


GPS coordinates: 47 degrees 34'57.01" N,  52 degrees 40'43.37" W




 Plaque Text




While church services were held at Quidi Vidi from an earlier date, in 1834 Anglicans, Methodists, and Congregationalists combined to build a church here. Co-operation failing, the original building fell into decay and the property into the hands of the Anglicans. This church, built to the simple cruciform plan of Henry Purcell of Cork, was opened by Bishop Spencer in 1842. Transitory fame came with its selection as location for scenes in the first Canadian feature film, The Viking (1931). By 1966 a dwindling congregation led to its closure and the building was acquired by the Newfoundland Historic Trust.


Les Anglicans, les Méthodistes et les Congrégationalistes qui missionnaient à Quidi Vidi construisirent cette église commune en 1834 mais l'entente entre les Églises ayant été éphémère, le bâtiment tomba en ruine et les Anglicans héritèrent de l'emplacement.  En 1842, l'évêque Spencer inaugura une nouvelle église, construite selon un plan cruciforme.  Cette église connut un moment de gloire quand on y tourna des scènes du premier long métrage canadien, Le Viking (1931).  Vu la baisse de la fréquentation, elle ferma ses portes en 1966 et le bâtiment fut acquis par le Newfoundland Historic Trust en 1966.


Approved in 1976

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