Bishop Edward Feild

HSMBC Plaque Location


St. John's, Newfoundland



Cathedral Office

Phone: 709-726-5677

Date Designated:  2003

Plaque Status: Plaqued in 2007

Reason for Designation

Radically restructured the personnel, administration and visibility of the Church of England in Newfoundland


Other Info




 Plaque Text


EDWARD FEILD - (1801 1876)


Second Bishop of Newfoundland and of Bermuda, Feild oversaw the expansion of the Church of England in Newfoundland, radically transforming it according to High Church precepts. He increased the number of native- trained clergy in his diocese and shaped many communities by building churches and schools, most notably the Anglican Cathedral of St. John the Baptist. A major figure in Newfoundland politics of the time, Bishop Feild also played a critical role in establishing a unique and fully denominational system of education in Newfoundland by 1875.


Deuxième évêque de Terre-Neuve et des Bermudes, Feild provoqua l'essor de l'Église anglicane de Terre-Neuve et la transforma radicalement selon les préceptes de la haute Église. Il accrut le nombre d'ecclésiastiques formés dans la colonie et influença l'évolution de plusieurs communautés en érigeant des écoles et des églises, dont la plus remarquable est la cathédrale anglicane St. John the Baptist. Figure marquante dans la vie politique de l'époque, Feild joua aussi un rôle clé dans la fondation, dès 1875, d'un système d'éducation confessionnel propre à Terre-Neuve.

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