Fort Townshend

HSMBC Plaque Location

St. John's, Newfoundland



Fort Townshend Info

Tel: 709-729-1189

Date Designated:  1951

Plaque Status:  Plaqued in 1953

Reason for Designation

Headquarters of Newfoundland garrison, 1779-1871


Other Info




Plaque Text




The threat to Newfoundlands security and to her commerce that developed during the American Revolution increased the urgency of completing the fortification of St. Johns.  Colonel Robert Pringle of the Royal Engineers, Commandant of the garrison and engineer in charge of the Kings Works, had, by 1779, completed the construction of Fort Townshend begun by Governor Lord Shuldham in 1773, and had constructed Military Road linking that fort with Fort William.  Fort Townshend became, on its completion, headquarters of the Newfoundland garrison.  The garrison was disbanded and the fort abandoned in 1871.


La menace que la révolution américaine fit peser sur Terre-Neuve et son commerce hâta lachèvement des fortifications de St-Jean.  Entrepris en 1773 par le gouverneur lord Shuldham, le fort fut terminé en 1779, par le colonel Robert Pringle, du Corps royal de génie, commandant de la garnison et ingénieur chargé des ouvrages du Roi, qui construisit aussi la « Military Road » reliant le fort Townshend au fort William.  Le fort Townshend servit de quartier général de la garnison de Terre-Neuve, et on labandonna en 1871 au licenciement de la garnison.  

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