Sir Humphrey Gilbert

HSMBC Plaque Location

St. John's, Newfoundland



Date Designated:  1981

Plaque Status:  Plaqued in 1983

Reason for Designation

 Leader of 1583 English attempt to establish a colony in Newfoundland


Other Info




Plaque Text


SIR HUMPHREY GILBERT - ca. 1537-1583


A native of Devon and half-brother of Walter Raleigh, Humphrey Gilbert was one of the first Englishmen to propose the establishment of colonies in North America. In 1583 as leader of an expedition to seek a likely plaoe for a settlement, he spent two weeks in this vicinity, claiming the surrounding territory for Queen Elizabeth I, asserting his authority over the fishermen in the harbour and exploring the countryside. He left with plans to establish a colony here the following season but on the homeward voyage his small vessel foundered in midAtlantic and he was drowned.


Explorateur né dans le Devon et demi-frère de Walter Raleigh, Humphrey Gilbert fut un des premiers à proposer une colonisation anglaise en Amérique du Nord.  En 1583, il dirigea une expédition chargée de trouver un site propice, il passa deux semaines dans la région, prit possession de Terre-Neuve au nom de la reine Élizabeth, imposa son autorité aux pêcheurs du port et explora les environs.  Il repartit avec un plan de colonisation pour la saison suivante, mais au cours du voyage de retour, son petit navire échoua, et il se noya.  

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