Harbour Grace Court House

HSMBC Plaque Location

Harbour Grace, Newfoundland


Contact info:

Harbour Grace Court House Info

Tel: 709-729-1189

Date Designated:  1966

Plaque Status: Plaqued in 1981

Reason for Designation

 Oldest court house in Newfoundland, 1830


Other Info


GPS coordinates 47 degrees 41' N,

53 degrees 15'W



 Plaque Text





During the 19th century Harbour Grace was an important centre in Newfoundland and for much of this period it boasted, along with St. John's, one of two court houses in the colony. The present building, constructed in 1830, survives as the oldest public building in the province. It is distinguished as a public building by the large central window and its solid masonry construction. These features make it typical of other Canadian court houses of this period but the inclusion of a residence became characteristic practice in Newfoundland.


Au XIXe siècle, Harbour Grace fut un centre important de Terre-Neuve qui possédait l'un des deux Palais de Justice de la colonie, l'autre étant à Saint-Jean. Construit en 1830, cet édifice public est le plus ancien de la province. C'était une résidence, et il en avait l'aspect. Mais une grande fenêtre centrale et une solide maçonnerie le faisaient reconnaître comme édifice public. Ces caractéristiques étaient celles de tous les Palais de Justice canadiens de la période, mais la combinaison des deux fonctions et des deux styles est un trait distinctif des édifices judiciaires de Terre- Neuve.

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