Sylvester Joe

HSMBC Plaque Location

Conne River, Newfoundland




Date Designated:  2002

Plaque Status: 2008

Reason for Designation


Aboriginal guide who contributed to the exploration and mapping of Newfoundland

Other Info






SYLVESTER JOE  - (fl. 1822)


Thanks to his knowledge and understanding of the natural world, Sylvester Joe, a Mikmaw, ensured the success of William Eppes Cormacks expedition across Newfoundland in 1822.  Their mapping and exploration efforts in the rugged interior, traversing a landscape not yet explored by Europeans, formed the basis for subsequent work by the Geological Survey of Newfoundland.  With Sylvester Joes invaluable aid, the expedition amassed a great deal of information for future students of the islands natural history.


Grâce à son savoir et à ses connaissances particulières de la nature, le Mikmaw Sylvester Joe assura le succès, en 1822, de lexpédition de William Eppes Cormack au cur des terres accidentées de Terre-Neuve, un territoire jusque-là méconnu des Européens. Le bilan de lexploration et les données de cartographie recueillies allaient servir à de futures études de la commission géologique de la colonie. La contribution inestimable de Sylvester Joe permit à lexpédition doffrir une précieuse source dinformation aux futurs étudiants en histoire naturelle.  

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