Sir David Kirke

HSMBC Plaque Location

Calvert , Newfoundland



 Colony of Avalon Foundation

Date Designated:  1968

Plaque Status: Plaqued in 1970

Reason for Designation

Captured Quebec 1629, first Governor of Newfoundland (1637-51)


Other Info


Contact Info:

Colony of Avalon Foundation

P.O. Box 119

Ferryland, NL A0A 2H0






GPS coordinates: N 47 degrees 01.419' minutes, W 52 degrees 53.090' minutes



Plaque Text


SIR DAVID KIRKE  - c. 1597-1654


In 1637 Sir David Kirke became governor of Newfoundland, his royal patent supplanting Lord Baltimore's proprietary claim to the Colony of Avalon.  The Newfoundland Coat of Arms is that granted to Kirke as governor.  In 1639 Kirke took possession of Baltimore's "Mansion House" and, despite restrictions forbidding coastal settlement, established an efficient government in a prosperous colony.  He successfully defended himself against charges brought by opponents of his royalist activities but was later arrested at the suit of Baltimore for the seizure of Ferryland.  He died in London in the Clink prison.


En 1637, le roi nomma Kirke gouverneur de Terre-Neuve, révoquant ainsi les droits de propriété de lord Baltimore sur la colonie d'Avalon. Les armoiries de Terre-Neuve sont celles qui furent accordées à Kirke comme gouverneur. En 1639, il s'installa dans la Mansion House de Baltimore et, malgré des interdictions touchant les établissements côtiers, il établit nu gouvernement compétent dans une colonie prospère. Il se défendit avec succès contre les accusations des parlementaristes, mais il fut plus tard arrêté à la requête de Baltimore pour s'être emparé de Ferryland. Il mourut en prison en 1654.  

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