Landing of Trans-Atlantic Submarine Cable

HSMBC Plaque Location

Heart's Content, Newfoundland




Date Designated:  2001

Plaque Status: Plaqued in 2003

Reason for Designation

Landmark engineering event in the history of 19th-century global telecommunications 


Other Info




Plaque Text




In 1866, the first transatlantic telegraph cable linking Europe with North America was successfully landed at Hearts Content, Newfoundland.  This was a spectacular engineering achievement which marked a major advance in the development of communications.  The project, begun in 1851, overcame formidable challenges in cable design and in the technology of laying cable across uneven ocean floor.  Subsequent transoceanic cables owed their successful completion to this first courageous endeavour which revolutionized the technology and speed of communications over great distances.


Lancrage en 1866 du premier câble océanique à Hearts Content, Terre-Neuve, constitue un audacieux exploit dingénierie qui marqua à jamais lhistoire des communications. Entrepris en 1851 pour relier lEurope à lAmérique du Nord, le projet surmonta dénormes défis, de la conception des câbles jusquà leur installation au fond de locéan. La réussite des poses subséquentes de câbles télégraphiques sous-marins est tributaire de cette initiative courageuse qui révolutionna la technologie dans le domaine et la vitesse de transmission de linformation sur de longues distances 

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