Philip Francis Little

HSMBC Plaque Location

St. John's, Newfoundland




Date Designated:  2007

Plaque Status:  Plaque to be errected at Colonial Bldg, St. John's, NL

Reason for Designation

First Prime Minister and Attorney General  of the colony of Newfoundland under responsible government


Other Info




 Plaque Text


Philip Francis Little - (1824–1897)


Following his election to the Assembly in 1850, Little persistently campaigned for responsible government, unifying the Liberal party and a majority of the people of Newfoundland behind this cause. In 1855, a year after responsible government was granted to the colony, he became its first prime minister and attorney general. During his brief tenure in office, Little helped advance Newfoundland’s interests and autonomy through the Reciprocity Treaty with the United States and led the colony’s unanimous condemnation of the proposed fisheries convention between Britain and France.


Philip Francis Little - (1824-1897)


Une fois élu à la Chambre d’assemblée, en 1850, Little fit campagne sans relâche pour un gouvernement responsable, ralliant à sa cause le Parti libéral et une majorité de la population terre-neuvienne. En 1855, un an après l’obtention d’un tel gouvernement, il devint le premier à occuper les postes de premier ministre et de procureur général de la colonie. Durant son bref mandat, Little promut les intérêts et l’autonomie de Terre-Neuve par le Traité de réciprocité avec les États-Unis et comme leader de la condamnation unanime de l’entente sur les droits de pêche proposée entre la Grande-Bretagne et la France.



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