Maritime Archaic Cemeteries/Phillips Garden Dorset

HSMBC Plaque Location

Port au Choix, Newfoundland




Date Designated:  1982

Plaque Status: Not Plaqued

Reason for Designation

Three cemeteries representing Maritime Archaic Culture


Other Info




 Plaque Text




Archaeologists have given the name "Maritime Archaic" to the culture of the Indian people who exploited the resources of the Atlantic coast from Labrador to Maine between 7,000 and 3,000 years ago. The culture was named as a result of the excavation of three cemeteries at Port au Choix in 1967 and 1968. Until that time little was known of the way of life of these people but the rich and well preserved assemblage of artifacts buried in the graves indicated a people whose technology, economy and spiritual culture were intimately associated with the sea and its resources.


Après l'excavation de trois cimetières à Port au Choix en 1967 et 1968, les archéologues ont baptisé "Archaïque maritime" la culture du peuple amérindien qui exploita les ressources de la côte atlantique, du Labrador au Maine, de 5 000 à 1 000 av. J.-C.  Le mode de vie de ces autochtones était auparavant très peu connu mais on a trouvé dans les tombes un riche assemblage d'artefacts bien préservés, qui témoignent d'un peuple dont la technologie, l'économie et la culture spirituelle étaient intimement liées à la mer et aux ressources maritimes.

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