Newfoundland's Entry into Confederation

HSMBC Plaque Location

St. John's, Newfoundland



Date Designated:  1958

Plaque Status: Plaqued in 1979

Reason for Designation

Led by Joseph R. Smallwood, Newfoundland became 10th province in 1949


Other Info




Plaque Text





Newfoundland entered Confederation on 31 March 1949. Though Europeans were active here from the early 16th century, recognition as a colony did not come until 1824. Self-government and Dominion status followed but these were placed in abeyance in 1933 when Government by Commission was instituted. In 1948 a national convention proposed a return to Responsible Government but a spirited campaign led by J.R. Smallwood convinced a small majority to accept union with Canada which l9th century voters had decisively rejected. Sir Albert Walsh was the first Lieutenant-Governor and Smallwood the first Premier.


Terre-Neuve entra dans la Confederation le 31 mars 1949. Malgré la présence d'Européens depuis le début du XVIe siècle, le statut colonial n'y avait été reconnu qu'en 1824. Suivirent l'autonomie et un statut de Dominion mais ils furent suspendus e 1933 lors du gouvernement par cCommission. En 1948, une convention nationale roposa un retour au gouvernement rRespnsable mais une vive campagne meèéne par J.R. Smallwood persuada une petite majorité d'accepter l'union avec le Canada que l'électorat avait rejetée au XIXe siècle. Sir Albert Walsh fut alors le lieutenant-gouverneur et Smallwood, premier ministre.  

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