Transatlantic Flights, Harbour Grace

HSMBC Plaque Location

Harbour Grace, Newfoundland




Date Designated:  1951

Plaque Status:  Plaqued in 1954

Reason for Designation

 Harbour Grace airfield used by pioneer transatlantic aviators 1919-37


Other Info



Harbour Grace Tourism

Box 310

Harbour Grace, NL A0A 2M0

Tel: 709-596-3042

GPS coordinates 47 degrees 41'N,

53 degrees 15'W



Plaque Text




Between 1919 and 1937 many pioneer aviators, displaying courage and a spirit of high endeavour, undertook uncharted flights across the North Atlantic.  The airfield, built on the summit of this hill by the people of Harbour Grace, was the starting point of many early flights from West to East and the objective of flights in the opposite direction.  The daring pioneers who used the Harbour Grace airfield wrote a glowing chapter in the history of early aviation and directed attention to Newfoundland as the crossways of North Atlantic air routes.


De nombreux aviateurs, pionniers courageux et audacieux, entreprirent entre 1919 et 1937 de traverser avec les moyens du bord l'Atlantique nord. La piste, construite au sommet de cette colline par les habitants de Harbour Grace, servit de point de départ à beaucoup de ces vols d'ouest en est et de destination aux vols en sens inverse. Ces hommes téméraires ont écrit un admirable chapitre de l'histoire de l'aviation et firent de Terre- Neuve la carrefour des routes aériennes de l'Atlantique nord.  

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