
HSMBC Plaque Location

Deep Cove, (Anchor Point)Newfoundland


Straits Development Association

Date Designated:  1990

Plaque Status:  Plaqued in 2000

Reason for Designation

250 year old tradition of moving to sheltered homesteads in winter


Other Info


Straits Development Association

Tel: 709-456-2122



GPS coordinates:

51 degrees 14'22.88" N,

56 degrees 47'21.34" W



End view of a trapper's tilt (damaged by the bush clearing crew) showing detail of the gable end and small entrance. Not a nail used in its construction

In Anchor Point you will find the Oldest Consecrated Cemetery, a National Heritage Site "Deep Cove Winter Housing)


Plaque Text




From the early 18th to the mid-20th century, winterhousing was an important way of life for settlers in Newfoundland and Labrador. Each year, many families moved from coastal fishing communities to winter quarters in more sheltered locations, where they lived in houses known as tilts.  In places like this, they hunted, trapped, cut firewood and timber, built boats, and made preparations for the fishery.  A rare instance of seasonal migration among colonists of European origin, winterhousing added much to the society and economy of Newfoundland and Labrador.


Depuis le début du XVIIIe siècle jusqu'au milieu du XXe, l=hivernage fut un mode de vie important des colons à Terre-Neuve et au Labrador. Chaque hiver, plusieurs familles des villages de pêche côtiers allaient vivre dans des endroits mieux abrités. Logeant dans des maisons appelées tilts, ils chassaient, trappaient, coupaient du bois d'oeuvre et de chauffage, construisaient des bateaux et se préparaient pour la saison de pêche. Rare exemple de migration saisonnière chez des colons d'origine européenne, l' hivernage a beaucoup contribué à la vie socio-économique de Terre-Neuve et du Labrador.


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